Robbie Connolly | Owner of The Ink Factory Studios | Entrepreneur | No Shame Podcast #073

Robbie Connolly joins us in the studio for episode #073 of Paddy Holohan's No Shame Podcast. Robbie is an entrepreneur in the truest sense, having run a series of successful businesses across various industries including PR, hospitality & the Night Club scene. In 2008, Connolly was approached to setup the Ink Factory Studios, at the time he was looking for a fresh challenge & the project proved to be the perfect fit for the next stage of his career.

Through out the No Shame series, we've seen a recurring theme of life coming full circle & this episode is another fine example. Paddy tells us of how Rob sponsored him with the required fee to go on the Ultimate Fighter series. Paddy didn't have the money to get there himself & It was very much a leap of faith but Robbie believed in the Hooligan from the very start. It's fair to say that leap of faith was rewarded when Paddy walked out at UFC Weigh Ins with The Ink Factory branding on his T-Shirt. Robbie admits that he could never have imagined he'd be sitting in a studio at SBG D24, talking to Paddy about how far he's come since then & speaks of his great pride in being able to help out in a small way. 

Watch episode #073 of Paddy Holohan's No Shame Podcast below:

For a man who has amassed quite a bit of money during his career, Robbie stresses that wealth is utterly meaningless in the grand scheme of life. He talks about his brother Johnny, who tragically took his own life a few years ago & the dangers of prescription drugs. Johnny was also a close friend to Paddy & both men talk of their admiration for him. Connolly discusses the severe effects of Alcohol & how it fuels depression. In his brother's honour, Robbie has raised vast amounts of money for Mental Health awareness & continues to inspire & help people, mirroring the impact Johnny had on his own life. Robbie also opens up on the benefits of hallucinogenics & how Ayahuasca helped him with his struggle with depression.

One of the biggest ways to combat the anxiety & depression is true a social setting, something Connolly believes he's created with the Ink Factory Studios. The sense of community is something that didn't exist in any of his previous ventures & Rob also praises Paddy for the work he's done with SBG D24, insisting that training can save peoples lives. The importance of having a place to go, hang around, have people to talk to, when you're feeling down is hugely significant.

Listen to episode #073 of Paddy Holohan's No Shame Podcast below:


On this week's episode we also discuss the homeless crisis, politics, the rental situation, united Ireland, the Chimp Paradox & much more.

This is the motivational kick start we all need after the bank holiday weekend. A truly powerful story from & incredibly inspiring individual. Check it out now, available across all the usual platforms including Youtube, Spotify, iTunes & Stitcher.

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